ORIGINFORMSTUDIO.COM – PS Form 3510 – Application for Reentry or Special Price Request for Periodicals Publication – This article will provide an overview of the USPS PS Form 3510, which is used to apply for a reentry or special price request for periodical publications. This form serves as an application for qualified publishers and businesses seeking reduced postal rates from the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). It is important to understand that the requirements and qualifications vary depending on the type of publication or business requesting the rate reduction. The USPS offers a variety of discounts and pricing options that may be eligible with the proper paperwork submitted through this form.
Download PS Form 3510 – Application for Reentry or Special Price Request for Periodicals Publication
Form Number | PS Form 3510 |
Form Title | Application for Reentry or Special Price Request for Periodicals Publication |
File Size | 669 KB |
Form By | USPS Forms |
What is a PS Form 3510?
PS Form 3510 is an application form distributed by the United States Postal Service (USPS). It is used to request special prices or reentry into postal rates for periodicals publications. This form can be submitted to the USPS by individuals and organizations who wish to receive a discounted rate on mailings.
The form requires users to provide information about their publication, such as its title, type of material sent through the mail, frequency of publication, mailing address and contact information. Additionally, users must submit copies of their previous issues and proof that they meet all requirements for discounted rates. Once received by USPS, a Price List Number will be assigned within 30 days; this number will identify the publication as eligible for reentry or special pricing.
What is the Purpose of PS Form 3510?
PS Form 3510 is a form used to apply for reentry or special pricing requests for periodical publications. This form was created by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to provide better customer service and streamline the process of applying for a reduced rate when it comes to mailing periodicals. The purpose of PS Form 3510 is to provide publishers with an easy way to submit their requests for reduced mail rates on their periodical publications.
The USPS requires that all publishers, who wish to obtain a discounted rate on their periodicals, use this form in order for their application to be considered. The information requested includes publisher name, address, contact person and telephone number; publication name; ISSN number; statement of ownership; circulation numbers; and other pertinent details about the publication’s distribution.
Where Can I Find a PS Form 3510?
PS Form 3510 is a United States Postal Service form that must be completed and submitted by periodicals publishers for each of their publications. It is used to request either reentry into the Periodicals class of mail or a special price request.
The form can be found on the USPS website under “Forms & Publications”. Simply search for “PS Form 3510”, and you will be directed to the page where it can be downloaded in PDF format. The instructions on how to complete the form are included in the download, as well as additional information about submitting your request. Additionally, instructions for using other forms related to PS Form 3510 are also provided.
In order to ensure your submission is accurate and complete, it is important that all relevant details requested on PS Form 3510 are supplied correctly.
PS Form 3510 – Application for Reentry or Special Price Request for Periodicals Publication
PS Form 3510 – Application for Reentry or Special Price Request for Periodicals Publication is an important form used by the Postal Service (USPS) to process reentry requests from publishers. This form can be used when a periodical publication has been canceled after having been accepted by USPS, and the publisher wishes to apply to have it reentered into the system. The application must include all necessary information: publication title, mailing address, publisher name and contact information, edition size, frequency of issue, anticipated start date of delivery service requested, and any other pertinent details.
The form also allows publishers to request special prices associated with their publications. Publishers can use this section of the form to indicate which discounts they would like to receive on postage costs and other related fees. To be eligible for these discounts, publications must meet certain criteria set forth in USPS regulations.
PS Form 3510 Example