ORIGINFORMSTUDIO.COM – DAF Form 4446 – Department Of The Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard – The Department of the Air Force (DFAF) Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard is a valuable tool that helps commanders and staff identify individuals who may require additional assistance in meeting fitness standards. The DFAF Form 4446 provides data on an individual’s physical fitness assessment score, body composition, and cardiorespiratory fitness levels. This information can be used to develop corrective action plans and support personnel efforts to improve their own physical fitness.
Download DAF Form 4446 – Department Of The Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard
Form Number | DAF Form 4446 |
Form Title | Department Of The Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard |
File Size | 329 KB |
Form By | 27 -04- 2022 |
What is a DAF Form 4446?
The DAF Form 4446 is a standard physical fitness assessment scorecard used by the Department of Air Force to determine the overall fitness of its personnel. This form provides all necessary information about an individual’s physical health, including height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and overall fitness level. It also includes various tests that measure strength, endurance, and flexibility.
The test is taken twice a year to ensure that individuals are maintaining their physical conditioning and meeting the standards required for their job within the Air Force. The scores obtained from this test are then used to rate individuals in terms of their overall fitness levels which can impact career advancement opportunities or eligibility for certain jobs within the military.
In conclusion, DAF Form 4446 plays a vital role in ensuring that Air Force personnel meet the required standards when it comes to their physical condition because being physically fit is critical for military readiness and operational success. It provides valuable information on an individual’s health status as well as identifies areas where improvement may be needed to maintain optimal physical performance throughout one’s service years.
What is the Purpose of DAF Form 4446?
DAF Form 4446 is a mandatory form used by the United States Air Force to document the physical fitness of its personnel. It is an assessment scorecard that separates individuals into three categories – pass, fail or pass with exemptions. The purpose of this form is to ensure that every member of the air force meets the required levels of fitness and maintains it throughout their career.
The DAF Form 4446 consists of several sections, including body composition measurements and three physical fitness tests: push-ups, sit-ups, and a timed run. These tests are designed to assess muscular endurance, strength, and cardiovascular endurance. The results from each test are then recorded on the form along with other relevant information such as age and gender.
In conclusion, DAF Form 4446 plays a crucial role in ensuring that members of the United States Air Force maintain adequate levels of physical fitness throughout their careers. It serves as an objective tool for assessing individual fitness levels while providing valuable feedback on areas where improvement may be needed. By maintaining high standards for physical readiness among its personnel, the air force can continue to fulfill its mission effectively while safeguarding national security interests.
Where Can I Find a DAF Form 4446?
The DAF Form 4446 is an essential document used by members of the US Air Force to record their physical fitness assessment scores. It’s a mandatory form that every service member must complete during their annual physical fitness test. The form provides detailed information about the individual’s performance in different physical activities such as running, push-ups, and sit-ups.
So where can one find a DAF Form 4446? Currently, the form is available on official military websites and at military installations across the country. Members of the Air Force can also access this form through their chain of command or by contacting their base Physical Training (PT) office. In addition, some private retailers may carry copies of this document in their stores or online marketplaces.
It’s important to note that there are several versions of the DAF Form 4446 depending on one’s rank and gender. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure you have obtained the correct version before filling out your assessment scores. Overall, obtaining a copy should not be difficult for those who need it since various outlets offer easy access to this required document for serving members of America’s Air Force personnel stationed worldwide.
DAF Form 4446 – Department Of The Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard
The DAF Form 4446 is the official scorecard used by the Department of the Air Force for their Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). It is a critical document that measures an individual’s physical fitness and readiness to perform their duties in the Air Force. The PFA consists of three components: a waist measurement, push-ups, and a 1.5-mile run.
The scorecard rates individuals on each component based on gender and age group. For example, a male between 30-39 years old must complete at least 35 push-ups to receive a satisfactory score, while a female in the same age range must complete at least 18 push-ups. The scorecard also includes instructions on how to properly measure waist circumference and provides maximum allowable measurements based on gender and age.
Individuals who do not meet minimum requirements may be subject to remedial training or even separation from service if they fail multiple times. Therefore, it is essential for Airmen to take their physical fitness seriously and train regularly in preparation for PFA testing. Overall, DAF Form 4446 serves as both an accountability tool for commanders and as motivation for individuals to maintain their physical readiness.
DAF Form 4446 Example