ORIGINFORMSTUDIO.COM – DAF Form 1134 – Unit Leave Authorization Numbers-Block Assignments – DAF Form 1134 – Unit Leave Authorization Numbers-Block Assignments is an important document for employees when requesting leave. The form allows an employee to identify the specific blocks of leave they would like to take and the number of days they would like to use them. This document is also helpful in coordinating leave with other departments and supervisors.
Download DAF Form 1134 – Unit Leave Authorization Numbers-Block Assignments
Form Number | DAF Form 1134 |
Form Title | Unit Leave Authorization Numbers-Block Assignments |
File Size | 41 KB |
Form By | 14-12-2022 |
What is a DAF Form 1134?
DAF Form 1134 is a form used to document and authorize unit leave authorization numbers (ULANs) and block assignments. This form is used by the United States Air Force to manage personnel leaves of absence, which are essential for maintaining good morale and quality of life for service members.
The ULANs documented on DAF Form 1134 allow units to track who is on leave at any given time, ensuring that they are accounted for in the event of an emergency. Block assignments are also documented on this form, which allows units to ensure that there is adequate coverage during peak times when many service members may want to take leave simultaneously.
Overall, DAF Form 1134 serves as a critical tool for managing personnel leave within the United States Air Force. By providing a clear and centralized system for tracking ULANs and block assignments, this form helps ensure that service members can enjoy much-needed time off while still maintaining military readiness.
What is the Purpose of DAF Form 1134?
DAF Form 1134 is a military document that serves as authorization for unit leave and block assignments. It is used to authorize personnel to take leave or go on temporary duty by assigning them a unique number that corresponds to their unit. The form also includes details such as the dates of the granted leave, the location of the assignment, and any other relevant notes.
The purpose of DAF Form 1134 is to ensure that all leave and temporary duty assignments are approved by proper authorities, tracked accurately, and properly accounted for. By using this form, commanders can keep track of personnel who are away from their units due to leave or temporary duty assignments. This helps them manage their resources effectively and ensures that unit readiness remains high even when some personnel are temporarily unavailable.
In summary, DAF Form 1134 plays a crucial role in managing military personnel’s leaves and temporary duty assignments. Its purpose is to provide a standardized way for commanders to authorize these activities while maintaining accountability for their troops’ whereabouts.
Where Can I Find a DAF Form 1134?
If you are looking for a DAF Form 1134, there are several places where you can find it. The first place to check is the official website of the Department of Defense. Here, you can download the form directly from their website, as well as find other forms that may be useful to military personnel.
Another option is to contact your unit’s administrative department or personnel office. They should have copies of all necessary forms on hand and will be able to provide you with a copy if needed.
Finally, if neither of these options work for you, there are third-party websites that offer downloadable versions of the DAF Form 1134. However, it’s important to exercise caution when using these sites and ensure that they are reputable sources before downloading any documents.
DAF Form 1134 – Unit Leave Authorization Numbers-Block Assignments
DAF Form 1134 is an essential document for the management of unit leave authorization numbers and block assignments. It is a record-keeping form that provides detailed information about military personnel who are authorized to take leave from their assigned units. The form consists of four sections that must be completed by the appropriate authorities before any service member can take leave.
Section one of the DAF Form 1134 requires basic information like the member’s name, social security number, rank, and assignment location. Section two records the type of leave requested and its duration while section three records the approving authority for such leaves. Finally, section four details any additional required data regarding airmen’s temporary duty while on official travel orders.
The use of this form ensures that all authorized service members are accounted for during their period away from their respective units. This documentation also serves as a reliable reference tool in tracking unit manpower availability during scheduled vacations or emergency deployments. Ultimately, DAF Form 1134 plays a crucial role in maintaining proper communication between higher headquarters and subordinate organizations concerning personnel movements within the United States Air Force (USAF).
DAF Form 1134 Example