DAF Form 3902 – Application And Approval For Off-Duty Employment

ORIGINFORMSTUDIO.COMDAF Form 3902 – Application And Approval For Off-Duty Employment – The DAF Form 3902 is an application and approval for off-duty employment. It must be completed by an individual who wishes to engage in off-duty employment with a private company or municipality. The form must be signed by the individual’s employer and the appropriate local authority. The applicant must provide proof of identity, residency, and citizenship. The application must be submitted at least two weeks prior to engaging in off-duty employment.

Download DAF Form 3902 – Application And Approval For Off-Duty Employment

Form Number DAF Form 3902
Form Title Application And Approval For Off-Duty Employment
File Size 1 MB
Form By 11 -01- 2023

What is a DAF Form 3902?

DAF Form 3902 is a document used by the United States Air Force to request permission for off-duty employment. It’s required of all active-duty military personnel and civilian employees who wish to engage in any form of paid work outside their regular job duties. The purpose of this form is to ensure that any off-duty employment does not interfere with or compromise the individual’s primary responsibilities within the Air Force or create a conflict of interest.

The DAF Form 3902 outlines details such as the nature and duration of the proposed off-duty employment, how it will be conducted, and whether it involves other members of the military community. It also requires disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest, financial gain or loss associated with performing said work, and any additional legal considerations that may impact approval.

Once completed, this form must be submitted to a designated approving authority for review and authorization before engaging in any off-duty employment activities. Failure to adhere to these guidelines could result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to reprimand, suspension from duty or dismissal from service altogether.

What is the Purpose of DAF Form 3902?

DAF Form 3902, also known as the Application and Approval for Off-Duty Employment, is used in the United States Air Force to ensure that service members are not taking secondary employment that conflicts with their military duties. The purpose of this form is to obtain approval from a commanding officer before engaging in off-duty employment. This ensures that there is no impact on the service member’s job performance or availability.

The DAF Form 3902 requires detailed information about the proposed off-duty employment to determine whether it will interfere with military duties or create a conflict of interest. Examples of conflicts of interest include moonlighting for defense contractors or providing services to competitors of the government. By completing this form, airmen are able to seek additional income while still fulfilling their military obligations.

It is important for service members to complete and submit DAF Form 3902 when seeking off-duty employment because failure to do so can result in disciplinary action. Additionally, if approved, the form serves as proof that proper procedures were followed and that all necessary approvals were obtained prior to engaging in any outside work activities.

Where Can I Find a DAF Form 3902?

DAF Form 3902 is an essential document for military personnel who wish to engage in off-duty employment. The form provides a comprehensive overview of the types of activities that are permissible and those that are not. If you are looking for this form, there are several options available to you.

Firstly, you can visit your base’s legal office or personnel office to obtain a copy of DAF Form 3902. Alternatively, you may be able to download it from the Air Force e-publishing website or the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) online portal. You will need to have access to these websites using your Common Access Card (CAC).

It is important to note that every branch of the military has its own version of this form with unique requirements and procedures. Therefore, it is crucial that you ensure you have the correct version before submitting it for approval. By obtaining a copy of DAF Form 3902 through official channels, service members can ensure they adhere to all relevant policies and regulations while pursuing off-duty employment opportunities.

DAF Form 3902 – Application And Approval For Off-Duty Employment

DAF Form 3902 is a form used by Department of the Air Force (DAF) personnel to apply for and obtain approval for off-duty employment. This form is necessary to ensure that any outside employment undertaken by military personnel does not interfere with their duties or pose a conflict of interest. The application process involves filling out the form, which includes providing detailed information about the nature of the proposed off-duty employment.

In addition to personal information, applicants are required to provide details about their proposed work schedule, job duties, and employer. They must also indicate how this outside work will impact their official duties and confirm that they have obtained an ethics opinion from their unit’s legal office if necessary. Once completed, the form must be submitted and approved by the appropriate authorities before commencing any off-duty employment.

It is important to note that failure to obtain approval for off-duty employment can result in disciplinary action or even criminal charges. Therefore, it is crucial for DAF personnel to follow proper procedures when seeking outside employment opportunities and ensure they have completed all requirements outlined on DAF Form 3902.

DAF Form 3902 Example

DAF Form 3902 - Application And Approval For Off-Duty Employment
DAF Form 3902 – Application And Approval For Off-Duty Employment